favor bank
1 Minute Reading,  Puisi dan Cerpen

The Favor Bank (English)

The Favor BankIt was an American writer who first mentioned it. It’s the most powerful bank in the world, and you’ll find it in every sphere of life.’

favor bank
The favor bank. Source by dakota-corbin-unsplash

Favor Bank

‘What favors could I do for anyone?’

‘That doesn’t matter in the least. Let me give you an example: I know that one day, you’ll be very influential. I know this because, like you, I too was once ambitious, independent, honest. I no longer have the energy I once had, but I want to help you because I can’t or don’t want to grind to a halt just yet.


I start making deposits in your account – not cash deposits, you understand, but contacts. I introduce you to such and such a person, I arrange certain deals, as long as they’re legal. You know that you owe me something, but I never ask you for anything.’

'And then one day..."

‘ One day, I’ll ask you for a favor. You do what I ask, I continue to help you, and other people see that you’re a decent, loyal sort of person and so they too make deposits in your account – always in the form of contacts, because this world is made up of contacts and nothing else. They too will one day ask you for a favor, and you will respect and help the people who have helped you. You’ll know everyone you need to know and your influence will keep on growing.’

‘I could refuse to do what you ask me to do.’

‘You could. The Favor Bank is a risky investment, just like any other bank. You refuse to grant the favor I asked you, in the belief that I helped you because you deserved to be helped, because everyone should recognize your talent. Fine, I say thank you very much and ask someone else into whose account I’ve also made various deposits, but from then on, everyone knows, without me having to say a word, that you are not to be trusted.


‘You’ll grow only half as much as you could have grown, and certainly not as much as you would have liked to. At a certain point, your life will begin to decline, you got halfway, but not all the way. Neither frustrated nor fulfilled. You’re neither cold nor hot, you’re lukewarm, and as an evangelist in some holy book says: “Lukewarm things are not pleasing to the palate.”‘


Taken from The Zahir, Paulo Coelho


Read more ‘1 Minute Reading’ here


    • renov

      hehehe .. masih kurang tepat …
      jadi ini cerita tentang bank bantuan.
      Biasanya kita ngasih bantuan ke orang (bukan berarti uang) tapi dalam bentuk lain yaitu kebaikan.
      Misal, aku minta tolong ke dirimu. Berarti dirimu udah nyimpan deposit di aku. Dirimu liat aku sebagai orang yang memang dapat dipercaya dan berhak untuk menerima bantuan dari kamu.

      Semakin lama, makin banyak pula orang yang nanam deposit di aku.

      Suatu hari kamu minta tolong ke aku, (istilah disini nyairin deposit) karena kamu juga sudah berpikir sebelumnya kalau dalam masalah ini aku yang paling mengerti atau mampu menolong kamu. Kita juga ngga minta tolong ke sembarang orang kan, tapi ternyata aku nolak karena aku ngga mau bukan karena engga mampu. Karena aku pikir, aku berhak buat nolak permintaan dirimu.

      Apa dong reaksi dirimu?

      Tentunya kecewa kan, dan kamu bilang makasih ke aku, dan minta bantuan orang lain yang dulu pernah kamu taruh depoit kebaikan.
      Tanpa perlu kamu mengucapkan kata, kamu ngga mau lagi minta tolong ke aku, karena sebagai teman, aku ngga bisa diandalkan.

  • Fanny_dcatqueen

    Agak sedikit beda Ama konsep bank kebaikan yg aku pegang mba :D.

    Kalo aku mikirnya, pada saat aku menolong orang lain yg membutuhkan, di situ aku punya tabungan (kebaikan). Semakin banyak menolong tabunganku jd makin gede juga.

    Tapi saat aku butuh bantuan, dan ternyata ada yg menolong, artinya tabunganku berkurang di saat itu. aku harus membantu orang lain lagi, supaya tabungan (kebaikan) ku juga makin nambah dan g abis :D.

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