Kumpulan Prosa Pendek Love Looks Pretty on You
Kumpulan Prosa Pendek Love Looks Pretty On You sengaja saya tulis setelah kemarin saya sempat menulis review buku karya Lang Leav ini. Buku yang terbit tahun 2019 ini adalah buku keenam dari penulis.
Lang Leav adalah penulis international bestseller dan dia mempunyai pengaruh besar di dalam gerakan puisi modern.
Buku ini adalah buku pertama dari penulis yang saya baca dan jatuh cinta karenanya. Puisi dan prosanya digambarkan dengan indah namun kuat dari segi makna.

Love Looks Pretty On You
Judul Buku : Love Looks Pretty On You
Penulis : Lang Leav
Penerbit : Andrews McMeel Publishing
Cetakan Pertama : 2019
Tebal : 224 halaman
Abusive Relationship
A long time Ago
A Love Letter to Bali
A Meeting of Selves
Anyone in Love
At Last
Endless Cycle
First Steps
For the Moon
From My Heart
Her Crown
How Love Comes and Goes
How Love Leaves You
I Had You
I Know Love
I Should Have Left You Then
It Was Love
Letter to the Past
Looking for Love
Love and Loss
Love’s Train
Making History
More or Less
More Than You
My Heart and Time
My Mother
My Place
Never Again
Pandora’s Box
Shut Out
Slut Shaming
Someone Else
Sunday Afternoon
Sydney, 2007
The Friendship Bond
The Gift of Everything
The Long Way
The Present
These Years
This Was the Year
This Year
Too Young
True Love
What He’s Lost
What You Wish For
Why You Fell in Love
Woman’s Anthem
Write for Yourself
Your Name
Your Right to Love

Kumpulan Prosa Pendek Pilihan dalam Love Looks Pretty On You
Don’t stay where you are needed. Go where you are loved. – Jangan tinggal di tempat dimana kamu dibutuhkan. Pergilah ke tempat dimana kamu dicintai.
I have buried myself so deep in my words that sometimes I can’t tell if I am the person writing or the one hiding between the lines.– Aku telah membenamkan diri di dalam kata-kataku sampai terkadang aku tidak bisa membedakan apakah aku yang menulis atau aku orang yang bersembunyi di balik yang tersirat.
Every time I see my name, I hear it in your voice – Setiap kali aku melihat namaku, aku mendengarnya dalam suaramu.
Let her be herself. Or she will be somebody else’s. – Biarkan dia menjadi dirinya sendiri. Atau dia akan menjadi milik orang lain.
You turn him into poetry because you can’t have him any other way. – Kamu mengubahnya menjadi puisi karena kamu enggak bisa memilikinya dengan cara lain.
How do I thank my mother for giving me the life she desperately wanted for herself. Bagaimana caranya aku berterima kasih pada ibuku yang telah memberiku kehidupan yang sangat ia dambakan buatnya.
He only wants you when he can’t have you. So why don’t you give him what he wants. Dia hanya menginginkanmu ketika dia tidak dapat memilikimu. Jadi kenapa kamu enggak berikan saja apa yang dia mau.
I have been quiet lately, I Know. Not because I don’t have anything to say, but because I have too much- Belakangan ini saya jadi pendiam. Iya, saya tahu kok. Bukan karena saya enggak punya sesuatu untuk disampaikan, tapi karena terlalu banyak.
If we were together, we’d still miss each other. And that’s the reason why we’re not. Jika kita masih bersama, kita pasti akan merindukan satu sama lain. Dan itu alasan mengapa kita enggak.
In the wrong hands, your past is a weapon. Di tangan yang salah, masa lalumu adalah senjata.
How many people have we known all our lives, and never once loved. How many people have we loved, and never known? – Berapa banyak orang yang kita tahu selama hidup kita, yang sekali pun tidak pernah jatuh cinta. Berapa banyak orang yang kita cintai dan nggak tahu?
He feels like the culmination of every good deed I’ve done. – Dia seperti kulminasi setiap perbuatan baik yang pernah aku lakukan.
The most beautiful thing is not when you learn to live without something; it’s the moment you realize you never needed it in the first place. – Hal yang terindah bukanlah saat kita belajar hidup tanpa sesuatu; melainkan saat kamu menyadari kamu enggak pernah membutuhkannya.
I don’t think about myself as much as I used to. I guess that’s a good thing. I only think about the things that are missing from me. – Aku sudah enggak banyak berpikir tentang diriku sendiri seperti biasanya. Aku rasa itu hal yang bagus. Aku hanya berpikir tentang hal-hal yang hilang dari diriku.
Want More?
And I can already picture us ten years from now, living our lives like parallel lines. Looking across at each other from time to time.
All this time, I thought I was writing for the lovers, when I’ve been writing for the writers.
I am in a tug-of-war with my past self. We’re fighting over who gets to keep you.
When my best friend told me
she was in love
my first thought was,
i hope he is good to her.
And it suddenly occured to me,
what I held in my heart for her
was hope, when it should
have been expectation.
Now that you have it all, do you ever wish you could go back to when you had it simple?
One day a moment will come to you,
and you will live every day of your life,
with this moment.
It will come
and it will go–
it will go before you are ready.
And it’s memory will feel more real to you
than the moment you lived it,
and this moment has a life
that is separate from yours
yet is wholly belonging.
It will come
and it will go–
it will go before you are ready.
And for the first time
you will learn what it is
not to be ready
You are a writer bleeding words onto a page. And the ones who hate you will trample on that page. And the ones who love you will cut you, to keep you bleeding.
The novelist struggles
The poet suffers.
Be patient. Your voice will find its way into the world, not in one loud instance but a steady trickle that turns into a deluge.
Universal law dictates that not a soul can hurt you without first handing you the keys to their own destruction.
Time goes by and your world gets so much smaller. Your heart grows so much bigger.
What is the part of you that you can’t stand? How do you hide it and who are you most afraid will find out?
Here’s the story of my life. Hoping they would care about me or wishing they wouldn’t care so much.
There are days when I don’t see you, touch you, hear you. But not a day goes by where I don’t feel you.
The less you speak, the more weight your words will carry when you do.
There will come a time when your journey will matter less than imparting what you’ve learned to those who wish to follow in your footsteps.
At the core of love is strength, and in its center is the quiet constant of your inner voice.
The one that no one hears but you.
Yet everyone can see, by the way you carry yourself in a crowded room. The power in how you use your words–the only thing you have ever loved in one continuous line.
A line that runs alongside your life.
And lives to tell your story.
in the only way that you know how.
I want to be someone without things. Untethered and boundless. To move gently through this world, without owing or owning. Take only the things I need and give back what I don’t.
Live my life twice over.
And love my life for once.
Tentang Penulis, Lang Leav
Lang Leav adalah penulis international bestseller dan dia mempunyai pengaruh besar di dalam gerakan puisi modern.
Karya-karya Lang Leav lainnya:
Love & Misadventure
The Universe of Us
Sea of Strangers
Sad Girls
Bagaimana Pendapat Kalian?
Dari kumpulan prosa pendek yang terangkum dalam Love Looks Pretty on You ini mana yang paling kalian suka?
Buku yang merupakan buku keenam dari Lang Leav ini diberi judul Love Looks Pretty on You karena ada hubungannya dengan angka 6 yang merupakan angka terbesar dadu, melambangkan the Loves pada kartu tarot dan Virgo di dalam astrologi zodiak.
Semoga kalian juga menyukainya, sebanyak saya menyukai buku dan kumpulan prosa pendek ini.
Stay Safe … xoxo
Baca juga: 10 Puisi Pilihan Panduan Sehari-hari Kaum Introver dan Mager
Baca juga: Review Love Looks Pretty on You dan 10 Kumpulan Prosa Pilihan
Lang Leav , her own website

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